Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ugly Betty

So I have this *friend* who is feeling a little blue. She had a baby about three months ago and still hasn't gotten back to her regular size, which she had pretty much done by now with her last kid. (Of course, she can't seem to break her pregnancy binge eating habits, so that definitely isn't helping). (She is working out, though, so she feels she should be seeing at least some progress). Her weight actually isn't too bad, but none of her curves seem to be in the right place. She doesn't so much enjoy the task of picking out clothes in the morning. And if that weren't bad enough, her feet seem to have grown as well--about a half size. Also, she rather foolishly picked this exact time to attempt to grow her hair out, because she hasn't been really and truly excited about any of the stylists she's gone to in quite a while. And she is noticing more and more gray hairs when she looks in the mirror. She seriously needs a pedicure and probably a dozen other beauty treatments she isn't even aware of. Poor thing. I really do feel for her. I hope she can pull out of this funk quickly. I have suggested to her that she just avoid mirrors when possible, 'cause "what you don't know can't hurt you." And I keep reminding her that her children and husband don't seem to be bothered in the least by the things that are bothering her.


  1. Are you talking about me??? No, wait, we haven't talked about that... Well, tell your *friend* I'm right there with her!

  2. Part of it is probably the baby blues, too. I actually lost more after than pre-pregnancy but I never did get back to the favorite jeans, tops, etc after Danielle. Things had just moved around somewhat.

    I'm curious to see how this one goes. I feel like I am much bigger with this one but Trey says I look about the same. Dr. says I am smaller vertically but larger around than with D - lol!

    Tell your friend to keep her spirits up. We are much more critical of ourselves than others - she is just beautiful to those around her. :-)

  3. hmmm...
    I have a friend, too. She just yesterday finished going through her closet and trying on jeans and other pants that haven't seen the light of day in two years. It was a sad sad time in the closet.

    And then her husband came home and said she could buy new pants.

    We're ok, Doll. We're ok.

  4. You should tell your "friend" that it will be okay. It's hard to have a new baby. I remember it well. And I don't know whether this will be encouraging or not, but I finally did conquer that weight. It just took me a couple years rather than a couple months.

    Go get your pedi and buy some sweet new flip flops. Summer is coming and I know you love it! I mean your friend probably loves it too. :)


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