Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Three's A Crowd

2, 10, 5, 15, 4, 7: All acceptable numbers of little girls that can play happily together. The only number that just doesn't work is 3. This has been true at least since I was a kid, and I find that the formula still works now that I have a little girl of my own. It remains to be seen if this is a cross-gender phenomenon, though I suspect the trouble lies almost solely in double X chromosomes. This makes certain play dates a little difficult, though no less insisted upon. Hopefully, it is something that will be outgrown at some point--or at least overcome by sheer force of will.

1 comment:

  1. I get Danielle together with 2 other little girls a decent amount; we've had some problems. Thankfully last time (last weekend) there didn't seem to be any problems. The problems seem to arise when we let them play together while the adults sit and talk. When we are more active in the get together, the girls seem to do better.


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