Tuesday, April 15, 2008

An Old, Old Story

The other day we were having a family Bible time and talking about the Lord's promise to Abram (Abraham) to have many descendants, even though he was already an old man without any children. We read this:
And He took him outside and said, "Now look toward the heavens, and count the stars, if you are able to count them." And He said to him, "So shall your descendants be."
Then Jeff asked the kids if they could count the stars. Weston guessed there were probably 5. Ruth thought more like 90. We talked about how there are so many stars that no one in the world can actually count all of them. Then we talked about how amazing it was that the Lord would give Abram such a promise. And that's when Ruth piped up and said, "Well, of course, old men can't really count that high."

Of course.


  1. That Ruth is pretty funny! Hope that you are having a better day than Monday!

  2. Priceless! So glad you shared it! :)

  3. That's great! Danielle informed me that "(you) don't have a very good memory, mommy." Right in front of Trey - he loved it.


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