Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I came very slowly and reluctantly into the social networking world. And, I will admit that there are still lots of times that I feel the whole thing is ridiculous. I mean, who really needs to know (or even cares) what I'm doing right now or what I scored on the latest lame quiz?! But, I will say this, I have been able to reconnect with people from my past that otherwise might have just slipped out of my life completely. I have in my "friends" list people I went to elementary school and Jr. High with, people I went to high school with, people I went to college with, people I got to know in my post-college/early adulthood and people that I have only recently met. When I log on to Facebook, it's like the whole story of my life--each chapter with it's different characters--is right there before me. And I think that's kind of neat. Every time I come across someone I have known, memories flash in my mind. And a smile can be found in many of these memories. And, smiling is something we could all do a little more of. And not only that, but I am discovering new things about these people, too. And there are smiles in many of these new discoveries as well. I'm definitely not a die-hard Facebook fan, but I will say that I can see value in being connected. Of remembering who you were and knowing who you are. And having people to share that connection with.

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