Summer 2017

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A house full of stuff

It's official!
Favorite box of the day.
(That's an almost six-foot-tall, bubble-wrapped giraffe, poking his head out for a peek at the new place).

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Home is where your stuff is

The movers started at nine this morning, made two trips to the storage building and then picked up most of our stuff from my in-laws' barn. That means our stuff is living at our house now, just waiting for our bodies to join it!! We should be there by the end of the week! Yippee!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

This week at our house

closet rods 
pantry shelves

bookcase shelves

towel hooks

tile and tub in master bath

mirrors and pulls

sink in powder bath

propane tank

coke machine

coke machine wand

That's how he rolls

Well, Clay is officially rolling now. He rolled from his tummy to his back right around the time he turned 3 months, and he has been working on going from his back to his belly. This week he has finally perfected the move, and he's just rolling around all over the place. I tried to get a video, but I guess he's camera shy. Every time I would hit "record," he would just lay there, looking at me. I did manage to snap a couple of still shots. I can't believe how quickly he's growing up!

almost over 
pretty proud of himself

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lucky Number 13

Tomorrow, Jeff and I will celebrate our 13th anniversary, though we got an early start by going out to dinner last night. We had dinner at The Overlook at the Canyon of the Eagles Resort. After dinner, we took a little walk around and discovered a teeny (but still deadly!) rattlesnake. Then, we took in a beautiful sunset from the rocking chairs on the terrace, while listening to some fun, live music. We follow the traditional gift chart, though we sometimes put our own creative spin on it. The gift for year thirteen is lace. I wanted to get us square dancing costumes, but it didn't work out. So, we got ourselves a new-to-us, grown-up-only car:  Lacey, the "lace" car. She's a standard, so she came with free, learn-to-drive dates for me. And I thought being married to Jeff was a wild ride! :)

Seriously, I truly do feel lucky to have had thirteen wonderful years with my amazing Sweetie. I am so blessed, and I'm looking forward to many more fun-filled years together.

the happy couple

The Overlook

the view of what's left of Lake Buchanan

an uninvited guest

Lacey, the "lace" car

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Countertops and other necessities

the long bar with the cooktop
kitchen countertops (they aren't as grey as they look here)

a truer picture of the color (and a super-cute baby)

homeschool desk

desk in Clay's room (we're expecting him to start writing just any day now)

utility room counter and sink

boys' bathroom

master bathroom

master sink

The oh-so-important potty (not to be confused with the "potant potty," which is what Max calls the Port-a-Potty outside). This is the upstairs bathroom.

One of three floor drains. This might not seem like a "necessity" if you haven't met my boys. But trust me on this. 

shower head in master bathroom

tankless water heater (this is the replacement for the one that was stolen a couple of weeks ago)

Gotta have AC!
If all goes well, we should be moving into our house Labor Day weekend! That's two weeks, people! Woohoo!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Best seat in the house

Clay has a new seat that gets him up off the floor and allows him to be more a part of things around here.  He really enjoys interacting with all of us from an upright position, and he's having fun reaching for toys on the tray. I can't believe how big he seems, sitting up like that!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Roller Shoes*

*This is Max's super-cute name for roller skates. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

House Update

We are getting very close on our house, and it's fun to watch the finish work being done! We now have working electricity, railings and tile on the stairs and in the loft and "observatory," a secret staircase that leads to the "observatory," tile in the master shower and locking door handles on all outside doors. It won't be long now!
Railing and working lights 
Double ovens

Front door handle

Tiled stairs and metal hand rail

Tiled loft

The other end of the loft

Secret staircase

Pendant lights above bar
Entrance to master shower