Summer 2017

Friday, August 12, 2011

House Update

We are getting very close on our house, and it's fun to watch the finish work being done! We now have working electricity, railings and tile on the stairs and in the loft and "observatory," a secret staircase that leads to the "observatory," tile in the master shower and locking door handles on all outside doors. It won't be long now!
Railing and working lights 
Double ovens

Front door handle

Tiled stairs and metal hand rail

Tiled loft

The other end of the loft

Secret staircase

Pendant lights above bar
Entrance to master shower


  1. I have loved keeping up with the building of your house! I love the dark wood so much! Looks like you will be in that beautiful house soon! When can we come stay? LOL!

  2. Thanks, Chey-Anne! We are hoping to be in the house in 3-4 weeks, and we would love to have you come visit any time!


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