Summer 2017

Thursday, August 25, 2011

This week at our house

closet rods 
pantry shelves

bookcase shelves

towel hooks

tile and tub in master bath

mirrors and pulls

sink in powder bath

propane tank

coke machine

coke machine wand


  1. Anonymous11:56 PM

    I am dying to hear the story behind the coke machine!Your house is looking so good--so excited for ya'll! Linda Sue

  2. Kathy3:06 PM

    I'd like to request some Caffeine Free diet coke from the coke machine please. Then I'll be right over.

  3. Well, Linda Sue, there's not really much of a story. I think Jeff was hoping it would keep me home more (and not at Sonic)!

    Kathy, I'm not sure that caffeine-free drinks are allowed, and I know diet Coke isn't, but if you come visit maybe we can find an acceptable substitute for you. :) I can offer Sonic ice, if that makes it better for you.


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