Summer 2017

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Countertops and other necessities

the long bar with the cooktop
kitchen countertops (they aren't as grey as they look here)

a truer picture of the color (and a super-cute baby)

homeschool desk

desk in Clay's room (we're expecting him to start writing just any day now)

utility room counter and sink

boys' bathroom

master bathroom

master sink

The oh-so-important potty (not to be confused with the "potant potty," which is what Max calls the Port-a-Potty outside). This is the upstairs bathroom.

One of three floor drains. This might not seem like a "necessity" if you haven't met my boys. But trust me on this. 

shower head in master bathroom

tankless water heater (this is the replacement for the one that was stolen a couple of weeks ago)

Gotta have AC!
If all goes well, we should be moving into our house Labor Day weekend! That's two weeks, people! Woohoo!


  1. Congrats on your new home, it looks fantastic! Where is it? Enjoyed catching up your last few weeks of posts, how big the kids are all getting! Jonathan started 4th grade yesterday!

  2. Thanks, Melanie! Our house is outside of Marble Falls, off Hwy. 71.

    It's hard to believe how quickly our kids are growing up! I enjoy keeping up with you and your kids through your blog, as well.

    I hope you are all doing well.


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