Summer 2017

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lucky Number 13

Tomorrow, Jeff and I will celebrate our 13th anniversary, though we got an early start by going out to dinner last night. We had dinner at The Overlook at the Canyon of the Eagles Resort. After dinner, we took a little walk around and discovered a teeny (but still deadly!) rattlesnake. Then, we took in a beautiful sunset from the rocking chairs on the terrace, while listening to some fun, live music. We follow the traditional gift chart, though we sometimes put our own creative spin on it. The gift for year thirteen is lace. I wanted to get us square dancing costumes, but it didn't work out. So, we got ourselves a new-to-us, grown-up-only car:  Lacey, the "lace" car. She's a standard, so she came with free, learn-to-drive dates for me. And I thought being married to Jeff was a wild ride! :)

Seriously, I truly do feel lucky to have had thirteen wonderful years with my amazing Sweetie. I am so blessed, and I'm looking forward to many more fun-filled years together.

the happy couple

The Overlook

the view of what's left of Lake Buchanan

an uninvited guest

Lacey, the "lace" car


  1. Happy Anniversary! I've found thirteen to be very lucky!


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