Summer 2017

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Blood, Sweat and Tears

We ran the Houston Color Run this morning. It was our very first 5K, and the whole family participated, including Mimi and Grandpa. Despite it being touted as "the happiest 5K on the planet," we had a fair amount of crying from several members of our group. We also had one injury that  ultimately eliminated three contestants. So, that's where the blood and tears came in. And, even though it was a little chilly for me to work up a good sweat, I do believe there were members of our team sweating. Clearly, it was a very colorful race, even in spite of the various splashes of color along the way.

Team ¡Colorifico! before the race

Watts at the starting line

Weston getting his color on

Feeling a little blue

The poster child for the Color Run

Race finishers

Recovered from his injuries and happy again

Clay got as much color from lunch as his brief time in the race

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