Summer 2017

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Office Space

When I renewed my contract to continue to be the director for our local CC campus, I decided to make myself seem a bit more official. So, I recently had professional head shots taken. 

And got some legit business cards. 

I don my business attire and straighten my hair on Tuesdays, so I even look the part. I love my job, and I work hard to make our programs successful. But there is one little piece of the puzzle that doesn't quite fit, and that's my office space. Our original house plans called for "his and her" offices. Private offices, unaccessible to children. But through numerous conversations and tweaking for budget and space and what-have-you, we decided it just made more sense to have just a "his" office and set up an office space for me in the homeschool area, so that I could do computer/paper work and still do my main job, which is to mother and teach our children. At the time I did not have my current paying job, and, of course, Jeff said I could use his office anytime I needed a private space. That's all well and good until I need the private space at the same time he needs the private space. It gets a little distracting (and not-so-private) when we are both crammed in there, trying to have separate phone conversations. But, because I have ADD under certain circumstances and because my children are loud enough to wake the dead (especially when I am on the phone), sometimes it is necessary for me to find a quiet place to conduct my business, especially phone calls. So, I have procured an alternative office space: The passenger seat of my van, which is parked in the now-clean garage. 

It is the very picture of glamour and professionalism. But, hey, it's quiet and climate controlled, and I can lock the doors to keep the bloodhound children out when they ultimately track me down. (Because everyone knows that a child couldn't care less if he even has a mother, until the moment a phone touches her ear, in which case he NEEDS her immediately and will use every trick in his arsenal to get her attention and make her look like a fool in front of whoever she happens to be talking to).


  1. Every Sunday when we pull into the driveway after church, I tell Curt I'm staying in the van. I never do, but I want to. I want everyone to get out and I want to lock the doors and just sit there... quietly :)

    I HEAR YOU, Friend!
    And your head shots look great!!!

  2. You ought to follow through with it one of these Sundays. It might just change your life! :)


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