Summer 2017

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Living in the Arctic

The weather here in central Texas has been amazing the last couple of weeks. It's been warm and sunny outside, like any perfect spring should be. But inside the energy-effecient, concrete-floored, open-windowed house, it has been like the Arctic. I wake up in the morning shivering. I have a brief reprieve in my scalding shower. And then, I just keep adding layers and drinking coffee and closing windows all day long, while never really dispelling the bone-deep chill. Now, I will admit to being extremely cold-natured, but I have also seen my always uncomfortably warm hubby put on the occasional extra layer, as well, which is how I know I'm not just making this up. He told me today I could turn on the heater, but that just seems wrong when it's close to 80 degrees outside (and when the thermostat says it's 70 inside the house)! I know those of you who live in places where it truly gets cold must just be shaking your heads at how ridiculous this all sounds. I absolutely don't know how you manage to survive. You have my complete respect. I could not do it. I would not even want to try. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go get cuddled up under a pile of blankets before I freeze to death.

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