Summer 2017

Sunday, May 06, 2012

A week with The Watts

  • My sister and her family were here in the morning.
  • In the afternoon, we went over to Jeff's parents' to visit with them and with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law.
Clay is introduced to corn-on-the-cob

  • Last day of preschool for Max.
  • Martial arts for oldest three kids.
  • Last Cub Scout meeting for Weston.
  • Jeff's half-birthday.
  • Max's first day of pre-K at home (at his insistence).
  • Round Rock Express game.
Take me out to the ballgame

  • Ruth piano lesson.
  • Martial arts.
  • Teeny, tiny birthday party for Clay with just our immediate family.
A new set of wheels

  • Early morning road trip to Belton/Temple.
  • Hanging out with Nana and Papa.
  • Date night.
  • Early morning road trip to Dallas/Ft. Worth, without the boys.
  • Received early Mother's Day gift: a new camera.
  • Shopping with Ruth in an actual mall.
  • Lunch at Souper Salad, at Ruth's request.
  • Hanging out in the lobby of a hotel we weren't staying in. 
  • Dinner at Medieval Times.
Ruth receives a flower from the Yellow Knight

  • State PSIA contest at TCU, where Ruth competed in Poetry Interpretation and Ready Writing. (She didn't advance to the finals in Poetry, but she came away with the 2nd place medal for Writing).
  • Road trip back to Belton.
  • Dinner with my parents, and cupcakes with the birthday boy.
  • Road trip back home.
Taking the 2nd place medal for Writing

The birthday boy sharing a cupcake with Nana

  • Slept in until 8:30, proving that miracles do still happen.
  • Ruth's piano recital.
  • Early Mother's Day party with my mom at Fresh and Fruiti.
  • Cook-a-thon to restock the fridge for the upcoming week.
  • Belated Cinco de Mayo party at home with homemade Mexican food.
Playing "Give Me Oil In My Lamp" for the crowd

1 comment:

  1. Gunnar had corn on the cob for the first time this week, too! Funny! He really wanted to pull the metal sticks out of the end, though! I thought about your Cinco de Mayo baby this weekend. I have a nephew and one of my sister's best friends also have the 5th! Must be a great day to be born!!!


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