Summer 2017

Monday, May 07, 2012

Where there's a will

We have updated drafts of our wills sitting around the house right now, waiting for our perusal, approval and signatures, before we return them to our lawyer and make them official. Of course, this has led to all sorts of fun conversations. I have, once again, been a blubbering mess in the face of all the hypothetical talk, which really inspires confidence for me to deal with any unfortunate reality that may come up. I know this is the necessary business of responsible adults, but, man, is it an unpleasant business! And, frankly, lawyers and all their legalese don't make it easier. I swear, it seems like lawyers have created this ridiculous language just to make things hard and confusing, and of course, ensure that none of us can get through this process without their help. It's all just so awesome. But, to be cliche, I suppose where there's a will, there's a way. And, truly, I wouldn't want to be caught dead without these things taken care of.


  1. We're doing the same thing right now! Updating, revising, new life insurance... lots of crying from me :)

  2. So glad I'm not alone, especially in the crying part!


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