Summer 2017

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Retiring, Hiring and Reacquiring

Way back when Ruth was seven, she decided she wanted to earn some money. She set a goal for herself to save $1000, and I gave her a job as the family laundress. And since that time, she has diligently worked on the laundry week after week. Last week, she finally met her financial goal, and decided she wanted to retire. We are so very proud of her for her hard work!

Her retirement left a serious gap in the laundry staff, so I interviewed a nice young gentleman yesterday for the position of "sorter." He seemed eager and qualified, so I hired him on the spot. Over time, he will become eligible for some of the other positions associated with the job. I'm so glad to welcome Weston to the laundry team!

But, even with that addition, there is still a pile of work to be done. (Sorry, I couldn't resist the ridiculous pun). So, I have reacquired the job. Over the last two years, I have consistently been in charge of washing the linens, but not much else. I'm not even sure if I remember how the whole process works, as is evidenced by the fact that I keep forgetting to go in and change the loads, because I'm just not used to thinking about it. I've had it too good for too long! Hopefully, the family will extend grace to me as I get back into the laundry groove.

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