Summer 2017

Friday, March 02, 2012

Texas Independence Day

I can't tell you how amazing it was to celebrate Texas Independence Day at the Alamo! It just brought chills. A huge thanks to our CC field trip coordinator for planning the whole day--from the viewing of the IMAX movie about the Alamo, to the picnic on the Alamo grounds, to the fabulous guided tour. I have visited the Alamo several times, but this was, by far, the very best it's ever been. I'm so proud to call myself a Texan, and I sincerely hope that I've got some of that "Come-And-Take-It," "Victory-or-Death," line-in the-sand spirit within me. Happy Independence Day, Y'all!

Our wonderful tour guide

With all the hubbub going on for Texas Independence Day,
 it was impossible to get a traditional shot of the Alamo.  But, I thought a shot of this
outbuilding was still nice, especially with the Mountain Laurels framing it.

The boys were very excited about all the canons and guns.
(Moments before I snapped this shot in the gift shop, they almost sent this one
careening into the John Wayne display behind it). 

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