Summer 2017

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Back in September, Weston started working on the Great Illustrated Classics version of The Swiss Family Robinson. At the time, I felt it was a little beyond his reading level, but he was determined, so I agreed. Almost every school day since then, he has been reading small chunks of it. Admittedly, there were times when I thought we ought to save this "really hard book" for the future. But Weston, even in the midst of a few harrowing reading lessons, wouldn't be deterred. He wanted a book like this under his belt. Well, yesterday, he finally finished it! And, he could just barely get through the last paragraph, for the giddiness of being so close to success. It was a wonderful accomplishment for him! He has come such a long way in his reading ability since September. And I just couldn't be prouder of him! We saved our party for tonight, so Jeff and Ruth could join us. It was truly a champion's party, which included pizza, watermelon, popcorn, coke floats and a viewing of the old Swiss Family Robinson movie. Way to go, Weston!!

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