Summer 2017

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's off to State we go

Ruth spent the day competing at the district PSIA meet in New Braunfels. Her four events were Ready Writing, Poetry Interpretation, Spelling and Music Memory, and she placed in all of them. She got 2nd in Writing, 1st in Poetry, 4th in Spelling and 5th in Music. Those first two earned her spots in the State competitions in May, in Ft. Worth. She has worked so hard preparing for each of these contests, and we are just so very proud of her!

Taking home the blue for Poetry Interpretation

A story about red-streaked hair earns her a red ribbon

Fourth place in Spelling

Different color ribbon, same beautiful smile!


  1. Yeah! I'm so proud of you Ruth! That's amazing.

  2. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Congrats to you Miss Ruth--Good Luck at State! Linda Gage

  3. Thanks so much! I will pass your congratulations on to Ruth.


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