Summer 2017

Monday, March 05, 2012

10 Months

Our Little Bitty (a.k.a Claycito) is 10 months old today! He has been very busy this past month growing two new teeth, standing straight up from the floor without holding on to anything, raising his arms in delight, dancing whenever he hears music, holding the sippy cup himself (and finally guzzling the liquid inside) and eating like a horse. He has finally given up the "army" crawl, but he still isn't executing a traditional crawl. He goes along with one knee down and one foot down, making it seem as if he could stand up and walk at any moment. What he has not been doing is packing on the pounds. He only gained 2 ounces over the course of a month, so he is now scheduled for a little blood work later in the week, just as a precautionary measure. He is happy and healthy, so I'm sure all is well. He is still in size 3 diapers and mostly 3-6 months clothes, with the occasional 6-month outfit thrown in. He does seem to be getting too tall for some of the smaller clothes, but the bigger ones done quite fit him in the waist. He is such a sweet, sweet baby, who just adds so much joy to every day! We just love this little guy so much!

showing off the pearly whites

standing on his own two feet

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