Summer 2017

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What's Up, Doc?

Here's a glimpse at my calendar for January:

Jan. 5--Max pediatrician 9:30
           Clay weight check 9:30
           Ruth orthodontist 3:00
Jan.6--Weston audiologist 9:30
Jan. 9--Mandi doc 10:30
Jan. 17--Jeff dentist 8:00
            Max dentist 8:30
            Weston ENT 10:30
Jan. 18--Ruth dentist 12:30
            Weston dentist 1:00
            Mandi dentist 1:30
Jan. 24--Max pediatrician 9:30
             Clay weight check 9:30

I have never spent so much time in waiting rooms.

(And, in case you're curious, Max was seeing the pediatrician for an ear infection and will be going back in next week for the follow up. Clay has gained a few ounces but still isn't on the chart. He will go back next week, and if he still isn't on the chart will undergo a few blood tests just to make sure there isn't any problem lurking under the radar. Ruth got green rubber bands put on her braces. I was having my knee injury from Thanksgiving looked at before starting an exercise program. Weston had a hearing test with the audiologist, who recommended he see the ENT. The ENT said that Weston doesn't really have hearing loss, but that he hears like someone with fingers in their ears. The ENT also discovered a sinus infection and put Weston on antibiotics and nasal spray to hopefully clear out some of the fluid in the ears before reevaluating early next month. And the whole family was cavity-free!)

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