Summer 2017

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Grapevine weekend

Encouraged by our relatively successful night away a couple of weeks ago, the ramping up of another travel season for Jeff and the offer of grandparents to babysit, Jeff and I decided to slip away to Grapevine for the whole weekend.

We dropped the kids off with Mimi and Grandpa on Friday afternoon, and then made our way to the Killeen airport in two cars. We left the van there for me to pick up on Sunday afternoon, since Jeff would be staying in Grapevine for a few days, promoting his school, and I would be flying back. We enjoyed uninterrupted adult conversation and very few potty stops as we proceeded from there to Grapevine.

Our first destination was the Texas Star Dinner Theater, where we enjoyed a wonderful meal and a comical who-done-it, acted out amongst the dinner tables. We had such a great time, we weren't surprised that both shows of the weekend had been sold out. After dinner, we made our way to our hotel, not far away.

We slept in on Saturday, which is such a novelty since we have little kids at home, who struggle to wake up on school days, but never fail to see the dawn's early light on weekends. When we were finally up and about, we grabbed a muffin from the market in the lobby, and then headed over to Grapevine Mills for a unique movie theater experience. It was a dine-in theater, with a full menu of tasty food and drink options. Dine-in theater we had experienced before, but what made this one unique was that all of the seats were fancy recliners with their own tables and waiter call buttons. We saw the movie The Descendants, which was certainly not the best movie I've ever seen--though definitely not the worst, either. Overall, though, the experience was quite enjoyable.

After the movie, we wandered back over to the hotel, where we donned our swimsuits and spent some time in the hot tub, before having a nice little nap. When it was time to choose a dinner venue, we settled on Javier's in Dallas. The food there is authentic Mexican and delicious, and the atmosphere is charming. One review we read said "it is a place to go to see and be seen." Just standing in the parking lot full of $100,000 cars made me feel like a bit of a celebrity. I didn't see anyone I recognized as famous, but I'm sure glad all the other patrons saw me. I'm sure they were all very impressed! (smile.wink.)

We finished dinner and headed downtown for the next fun event on our agenda: an improv comedy show called Ad-Libs. Though we were among the more sober audience members, we still found the show to be very funny. We were actually sort of thankful for the crazy crowd, because our table was right up front and center, and we were afraid we were going to be picked on. However, the actors found plenty of other people to pick on and left us alone to just enjoy the show. We admire improv actors so much for their ability to come up with all sorts of hilarity on the spot, and we always enjoy seeing improv live.

This morning we breakfasted at the Old West Cafe, before heading over to the airport to await my flight. It was such a fun weekend and a much-needed time of reconnection for us. We are so thankful to Jeff's parents for making it possible for us to get away, and we hope it won't be too long before we can slip off on another adventure.

(Apparently, when my children aren't with me, I also forget that my camera is with me. I don't have a single picture from the entire weekend).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:45 PM

    After reading about all your appointments in January I think you really did need some alone time for just you! I know Maxie and Sharon loved the baby sitting time with the kids--feel free to call on them anytime!
    Hope your knee is feeling better. Linda Sue


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