Summer 2017

Friday, January 27, 2012

This Week

  • Jeff worked in Dallas until Wednesday, and his time there seemed to be very productive. 
  • I was also productive, taking on some little projects around the house--a first stab at cleaning out the garage, feet on the highchair, deep-cleaning of leather furniture, a small painting project, a pantry organizing project, Spring Break trip planning session, fridge clean-out, ordering a couple of parts for a couple of kitchen appliances, unpacking several neglected boxes in the loft.
  • Max missed school and martial arts on Monday because he was running fever and complaining of ear pain over the weekend.
  • Weston had a trial run with his Pinewood Derby car.
  • Dr. confirmed an ear infection in Max's other ear and tested him for RSV. Thankfully, that came back negative, and she is giving Max a conditional reprieve from antibiotics. He is taking allergy medicine and a decongestant to try to clear out some of the fluid.
  • Clay finally got his dot up on the first line of the growth chart, which allowed him to escape blood testing and not have to come back for a weight check for a month!
  • Ruth met a reading goal and has been planning a party for tonight to celebrate.
  • I started (and continued) the second week of workouts for the Couch to 5K plan. (Jeff and I are not following the weekly schedule but are moving a bit slower. We started on week 1 right after the New Year).
  • It rained and rained and rained!
  • Weston caught a coon in his trap--the first he has caught at our house.
  • My van wouldn't start when it was time to go get Max from school on Wednesday, and of course, it was before Jeff got home from Dallas. Thankfully, my wonderful neighbor was available to come give me a jump. 
  • My van wouldn't start on Thursday, when it was time to go to CC. And, of course, Jeff was at a meeting in Marble Falls. But, he was able to wrap up the meeting quickly, come home and give me a jump, and follow me into town to take the van in for a new battery.
  • Max had the mother of all fits yesterday afternoon at CC. He was tired and his emotions just got the better of him, and he couldn't control them (and neither could I). My CC friends were very supportive and didn't make me feel like a horrible parent. And, when Max had played himself out, he crashed and woke up with a much more pleasant disposition.
  • An old family friend, who we haven't seen in a long time, came by for a nice visit.
  • Clay was snotty, poopy, fevery, and sort of sad, as he worked on bringing in a new tooth.
  • Jeff received the first completed course for Strong Academy for the fall semester from a professor he hired to develop the curriculum (from syllabus to power point slides to quizzes), and it is awesome. 
  • I consciously decided to use sunglasses as a headband to keep the head squeezing down and the cool factor up.
  • First time making our own pasta...but not the last.

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