Summer 2017

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This Ol' House

As I've mentioned before, new house does not perfect house make. So, we've been dealing with a couple of issues this week. Not long after we moved in, a tile popped off the staircase and broke. Recently, several more tiles popped off and some grout started coming up. I should back up at this point in the story for some background info. The man we originally hired to do the tile did a TERRIBLE job. He and Jeff had a heated argument, he was fired, and the next thing we knew, one of our hot water heaters was missing. (Now, I don't know for sure that he took it, but the timing was crazy suspicious). Anyway, Jeff hired a couple of other guys to come over and fix the first guy's mess. They did fix it, to the best of their ability, but warned us at the time that it might not be a permanent fix. Unfortunately, it lasted an even shorter time than they thought. So, they were here today, re-fixing it. They are still not fully confident that this is going to do it, but we are keeping our fingers crossed, because the worse case scenario is that we have to rip out ALL of it and start over.

We also recently started having some dryer problems. We called someone to come check the exhaust vents. When he got here, he couldn't find the exhaust vents. BECAUSE THEY AREN'T THERE! Apparently, the vents were put in place while the masons were putting the stone on the outside of the house. Something was placed over the top of the vents to prevent stone and mortar from getting in, and then the roof people came along and roofed right over the vents, without ever realizing they were there, and without ever cutting a place for them in the roof. WE HAVE BEEN RUNNING OUR DRYER ALL THIS TIME WITHOUT HAVING IT VENT OUT. Of course we're having dryer problems! I am just so very thankful we didn't catch the house on fire. Now, we are waiting on a call back from the roof people to see when they can come cut some vent holes for us. And then, of course, we will have to have the vents vacuumed out. 

And, I just found out that something weird is going on with one of our garage doors! Ugh!

But even with all this, I still just love our house so much! It's not perfect, but it is ours. And it's a beautiful, wonderful, perfectly happy place to be!

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