Summer 2017

Saturday, March 12, 2011

All Ears

We made our way down to Houston yesterday afternoon for Weston's one-year follow up appointment on his tubes/tonsil surgery. The doctor reported that everything looked good and that the tubes have come out of the ear drum, though they are still in the ear canal. He thought they would probably come on out in the next few months, and he released Weston from the burden of having to wear ear plugs for baths and other water-related activities. I requested another hearing test, just to make sure all his former hearing problems were related to this and not some bigger problem. I sat nervously outside the sound-proof booth, remembering the pain in my heart as I watched him fail miserably the last time, while Weston sat inside with his best concentration face on. The audiologist performed several series of tests, and happily, all showed Weston's hearing to be in the normal range! I'll admit to letting a few tears of joy fall! The doctor told me that his ear drums still seem to be having a little trouble equalizing pressure, so some of the hearing is still a little low. But it's nothing concerning--probably just due to the fact that the tubes are so recently out and there is still some healing that needs to occur. It is great that we can finally put all that behind us, and it is wonderful to see what an amazing difference those simple little procedures made in Weston's life.

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