Summer 2017

Monday, March 07, 2011

Kid-free Weekend

After the field trip on Friday, Jeff and I dropped the kids off with my parents and went on a field trip of our own. We had two nights at the adorable and peaceful, one-room Red Barn Hideaway in Salado. We also got to go out to a fancy dinner at The Range and a not-so-fancy, but oh-so-fun dinner in Walburg. We strolled leisurely through antique stores (without worrying about anyone breaking anything) and saw an original production of "Chanteuse" at the local Silver Spur Theater (without having to leave in the middle for potty breaks or noise level). We slept in, watched movies and enjoyed the most fabulous breakfasts in our cozy little room. And we were restored. It was a wonderful weekend, and we can't thank my parents enough for giving us that amazing gift!


  1. We love Salado! We love Walburg! We love antique/junk stores!

    So glad you had a great time :) Next time, let's me and you do it together and leave the boys with the kids!

  2. I'm so there, Katie! Just let me know when!


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