Summer 2017

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring has sprung

It's official: Spring is here!! The time changed this morning, and we saw our first big bunch of bluebonnets this afternoon! Let's all do a happy dance! This is absolutely my favorite time of year! Just looking out the window at all the new life cropping up and breathing deeply of the fresh, fragrant air puts a big ol' smile on my face. It's the time of year when I feel like anything is possible.

And this spring is especially exciting, as we prepare to welcome a new little Watts into the family. That fact has only recently clearly dawned on me. We should have a new little bundle of joy in around 6-8 weeks. Wow! We picked up all our baby stuff while we were in Kingwood yesterday, and today I began going through the boxes and washing all the sweet little things that haven't been used in about three years. Yes, spring is definitely a very special time, and new life is such an amazing blessing!

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