Summer 2017

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

End of Semester

Today was our last day of class for the semster. We will take a two week break now, as we move back to the U.S. and spend some time visiting with our family. Ruth has done a phenomenal job this semester and has accomplished even more than we thought she would. We are so proud of her and are pleased to share her progress with you! (I have shared other progress reports here, here, here, here, here, here and here). Here is what she had done in the last month and a half:

  • Finished study about animals and moved on to study of human body
  • Changed schedule--more time in Math four days a week and less time on Friday; removed Portuguese and Structured Reading from Friday; divided Vocabulary and Spelling (two days of Spelling, two days of Vocabulary)
  • Memorized the kings of Judah
  • Got up to 132 words on the Vocabulary Wall
  • Made a book of the poem "The Year," with original illustrations
  • Memorized the poem "The Year"
  • Finished the first grade Math book
  • Finished the second Spelling book
  • Made a picture family tree on the computer
  • Planned (and shopped for) a menu for a day based on the food pyramid requirements
  • Arranged and drew two original still-life drawings
  • Vocabulary and Grammar Mad-Libs
  • Finished a third of the second grade Grammar book
  • Accomplished math goal--125 additon and subtraction facts in 5 minutes
  • Memorized poem "The Goops"
  • Made Assyrian battering ram out of Legos
  • Made purple dye and dyed cloth and pasta for necklace making

1 comment:

  1. wow. Ruth is so brilliant. Cannot wait to see you guys!!!!


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