Summer 2017

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Summer Vacation

It's summer here in the southern hemisphere, and that means summer vacation. The schools let out a couple of weeks ago and our peaceful little beach has turned into a madhouse, as people seem to be flocking here from everywhere--especially some of the more interior states of Brazil. There are thousands of people out there, soaking up the sun on just about every inch of their scantily clad bodies. There are more beach venders--with more products--making more aggressive (though still relatively passive) attempts to sell their wares. The water is oozing with all kinds of watercraft, from wave runners and windsurfers to kyaks and fishing boats. The weather is absolutely perfect. (For me, at least. It may be a touch on the hot side for Jeff). And the people-watching couldn't be better. I'm really glad we've had this place more or less to ourselves for the last 5 1/2 months and haven't had to deal with the hordes, but I'm also really thankful that we have a few more days to soak up some summer time before heading back to WinterLand.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds glorious! I'd watch people all day long.


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