Summer 2017

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Slow-Moving Vehicle

Jeff and I have always prided ourselves on being very punctual. And I have to tell you, we still live under the delusion that punctuality is attainable--even after being parents for almost 6 years. It isn't. And we need to just accept this as a fact. As a unit, we just move A LOT slower than we used to. And each kid adds another level of slowness, making us one slow-moving vehicle. Slow and steady may win the race, but it's maddening to parents who want to live life in the fast lane.


  1. lol! I've never been good at being punctual but have always tried. Yes, kid adds an extra layer and usually another slow down to pick up the pieces after I've yelled because I'm rushed. You'll get there . . .

  2. Well you saw me today. 25 minutes late to one thing, and then I had to leave. It was pretty ridiculous and I really wanted to see you guys. Stupid. I feel your pain.


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