Summer 2017

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Magic 6-Week Mark

I have officially been released from my OB/GYN's care with regard to my pregnancy with Max. That means, I now have no excuse not to exercise and get back into healthier eating habits--which is kind of a bummer because I have been enjoying my junk food free-for-all. I went to work out tonight and, frankly, I was huffing a bit. But, I'm really motivated to get back into my regular size clothes and to be in pretty good shape for a big tropical vacation this summer. So, I guess I'll try to discipline myself and stave off temptations...But I think I'll start tomorrow.


  1. ugh - I've forgotten so many rules - you have to wait about 6 weeks to start exercising? My 20 yr HS reunion is 4 months after Baby O2 is due. That's not much time . . .

    Good luck with the exercise.

  2. good for you! I know it will feel better to start being more active. glad everything is going well.


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