Summer 2017

Friday, February 22, 2008

Weston, Weston, Weston

It doesn't get much cuter than two. This one's all about Weston.

  • First of all, the way he says "yellow." It sounds like "llello," and it's adorable. It's like that word is just a little too big for his mouth.
  • Secondly, whenever Jeff leaves the house, Weston has taken to saying, "Thanks for coming, Dad."
  • He sings "Uncle Alan had a farm. E-I-O." Now we know what Uncle Alan has really been up to, I guess. At least in Weston's mind.
  • And finally, the following conversation took place with my mom yesterday:
Weston: I have a bug in my eye.
Nana: Come here and let me take a look.
Nana: I don't see a bug in your eye.
Weston: No. It's a tarantula.
Everything this kid says (and does) is stinkin' hilarious!! No "laugh track" necessary!


  1. yes, I think Weston is going to be quite the heartbreaker in the coming years. He is a cutie!

  2. Anonymous12:33 PM

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