Summer 2017

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Rub-A-Dub-Dub, we've lost our tub.
And where do you think it could be?
I've checked the garage, the closets and Mom,
But the search yielded nothing, you see.

How does one lose a baby bath tub? Especially when one knows where all the other baby things are? It is a puzzle, indeed. We made do with a little tub from the hospital, and Max had his first sponge bath tonight. Don't be deceived by the picture; he didn't like it one bit!


  1. These are all great photos and stories, Mandi! i especially liked the sotry baout going to the hospital the day after you saw the doc9similar experience here except it was the same afternoon, boy was the on-call doctor mad!( my regular OB had told him he knew of no potential deliveries that day LOL!

    Maybe we can get together at radijazz or Central market one day? I can't beleive what a big girl Ruth is now!

  2. He may not have liked it but he sure is cute!

  3. Hi, Melanie! Thanks for your comment. We'd love to get together with you guys sometime--maybe when we settle into some sort of routine.

    Angela, I couldn't agree with you more! ;)


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