Summer 2017

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cuteness, Cooking, And Cat Naps

So "C," as it turns out, is not just for "cookie," as Cookie Monster originally suspected. Although, cookies are definitely excellent and did figure into the day. But, I'm sure you're not really interested in that little tidbit. The big activity of the day for me was a trip to the grocery store. Having been cooped up in a hospital room the last few days, I thought a little outing would do me good. It was good to get out, but the trip (combined with my sore body and my serious lack of sleep last night) completely exhausted me. But, fortunately, I was able to catch a little cat nap this afternoon, while Jeff took charge of the troops. And speaking of Jeff, he spent the majority of the day cooking yummy things with which to fill our freezer for those days in the not-too-distant future when there will be no one here to cook for us. What a man! But, I know you aren't here to hear about all that. You're here to see the cuteness. So, in an effort to keep you as a faithful reader, I will reward your diligence with this adorable picture of little Max.

1 comment:

  1. He is adorable. Glad you got out a little yesterday - it's supposed to get COLD later . . .

    I don't want to call and possibly wake you up but wanted to let you know that we had the ultrasound this morning and we're having another girl. I guess you "always have boys" and I always have girls ;-)

    Call if you need anything.


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