Summer 2017

Monday, January 14, 2008

Meet Max

Max Andrew Watts made it safely into the world on Saturday morning (despite a few minor struggles), and safely to our home today. He is eating well and sleeping well, and seems to be generally happy and healthy. His big brother and sister are (mostly) very happy to have him join our family, and Ruth's first commentary on the whole situation was priceless: "He's so little, but your tummy sure was big!" We are praising the Lord for the blessing of this new little life, and we are thankful to all who helped us welcome him into the world--through prayers and love and medical expertise. You'll definitely be hearing more about this little guy in the days...and weeks...and years to come!


  1. oh he's so cute the little baby! Congratulations and we're so glad you are all back at home! I hope you are feeling well, Mandi, and I like the name Max!

  2. Rylie is very excited to meet a potential future prom date... she thinks he's quite handsome!!!

    Congrats, Watts family! What a wonderful time for you!

  3. Congrats Congrats Congrats!!!
    I can't wait to hear tales about him. Sounds like he's already got a story.

  4. Max would be honored to take Rylie to the prom, although he's slightly intimidated by older women! But, he's probably already bigger than Rylie so maybe that will even things out!

    Thanks, everyone, for all the well-wishes! Stay tuned for more pics!

  5. We love the picture of Max with his eyes open. Saturday morning he was acting too much like his namesake, Grandpa Maxie... sleeping, that is.
    Such a cutie. Love, Carl & Linda


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