Summer 2017

Thursday, January 17, 2008

All My Children

The Brain: Ruth's school report for today included the news that she is in the process of writing a six-page "book" about Max's arrival, which she will finish tomorrow. She has been working on this for several days and even had to ask her teacher for extra pages in order to finish. Each page contains an illustration and 1-3 sentences. There have been some visiting teachers in her class this week, who are specifically there to observe her teacher teach writing, and they have been very impressed with Ruth's work.

After school, Ruth began reading The Great Illustrated Classic Swiss Family Robinson (a 3 pt. AR book)! She was flying through it, working her way through words such as "accomplishment," without even stumbling. The book is a challenge to her really only in how long it is.

As a bonus, Ruth got an extra peg (the reward system employed by her teacher) for cleaning up her whole table while some of her desk mates were goofing off. That peg bumped her up to 10, which allowed her to pick a prize from the treasure chest. We are so proud of her for all her accomplishments--not to mention all her help around the house!

The Brawn: Weston figured out how to open the door to his new room today and successfully escaped from his afternoon nap, if only briefly.

But, of course, there is much more to this sweet boy than sheer force. He has been a huge help with Max, rushing to bring us diapers and taking dirty diapers to the trash can, and generally just being very sweet to his little brother.

He has also had a lot of potty success this week.

And he has learned the "chorus" of the 10 Little Monkey Story: ...One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." He has even worked out some motions to go with it. It's adorable.

The Babe: Max slept in four-hour stretches last night, meaning I only had to get up once in the middle of the night to feed him, meaning I actually feel human today!

He also had his newborn check-up today. The report was mostly really good. He just has a minor jaundice problem. The doctor recommended that we give him a little formula after each regular feeding to hopefully flush the excess bilirubin out of his system. He will be re-checked tomorrow morning. But in the meantime, Ruth and Weston are thrilled to get to feed him a bottle.

The doctor also recommended that we put Max on his belly a few times a day, so this afternoon I did. I'm not kidding when I tell you he attempted to crawl! True, it may have just been a reaction to the extreme anger he felt at being put in that position, but I really don't think so. I, of course, think it is simply because he is brilliant and very advanced. But that's just me.

We are so very proud of our kiddos and are thrilled to watch them learn and grow. Each new day brings something else to be excited about--and brag about! Thanks for indulging me.


  1. Awww - they are brilliant kids! And, yea, for 4 hours sleep!!

  2. melanieM34
    Ok, I'M feeling guilty now for not working with Joanthan more on his reading!! That's fantastic!


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