Summer 2017

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

White Tuesday

Mother Nature decided to add a touch of white to the landscape today, and we experienced something truly rare for Austin: snow. We usually get one or two days of ice every winter, but we don't normally see any snow falling. So, we did the only thing we could do: We bundled up and went outside to play in it. We even took a few pictures, but we weren't out long because it was soooo cold. When we came in we all had warm, sweet milk and smiled. I'm definitely not in favor of winter, but as long as we can keep it to just two or three days, it's kind of fun.


  1. wow--I think you got more snow than we did. We were out for a walk when it decided to start snowing. We had fun "ice skating" and trying to catch the flakes in our mouth.

  2. Anonymous10:56 AM

    the finest children in the world looking better each day... papa

  3. Thanks for posting a comment, Papa. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday.


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