Summer 2017

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ice Day

Jack Frost hasn't just been nipping today--he's been biting. At one point I think the temperature got up to 32, but that was brief. It's been super-cold, and we've been holed up in the house. Ruth's gymnastic class didn't meet because of the weather, and Jeff's boss encouraged him to come home at lunchtime. So, it's kind of been like vacation around here. We've watched movies, drank hot tea, napped, and had king crab legs for dinner. It's been really fun. Tomorrow may be more of the same. I hope you are all staying warm and safe.

1 comment:

  1. Trey was sent home about 10:30 this morning. I was already off work for MLK Day. My work is closed tomorrow b/c of the weather--yea! Though, I hope for no power outages or other bad things . . .

    Dinner sounded fantastic. We had quiche.


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