Summer 2017

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Wait Is Over

I know you have all been dying to know what our other big change is, and since we shared the news with the rest of the family this weekend, I am now at liberty to share it with all of you. Jeff has just resigned from NI (after 8 years) and has accepted a new job with a start-up company here in Austin called Bazaarvoice. He will be starting his new job on Feb. 15 and he is really, really excited about this new opportunity. I am very proud of him and look forward to seeing him succeed in this new role.

Our weekend, by the way, was really great. We visited my brother-in-law and his wife in Houston and just had a wonderful time. We ate some fabulous Mexican food on Friday night at Lupe Tortilla, visited the Downtown Aquarium on Saturday and had lunch at the Rain Forest Cafe today. We had such a great time and arrived home safely just ahead of the nasty weather. I'll leave you now with a few pictures.


  1. WOW! That's a shocker! But best wishes to Jeff. I'm sure you both will succeed at anything you try.

    Looks like Houston was fun.

    Now, you have been tagged (go look at my blog.)

  2. Cool! Joel just almost changed jobs but IBM was all "you know you want to stay here" and made it worth his while to stay. I know just how you feel.


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