Summer 2017

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Winds Of Change

We're changing around here--all for the better.

  • Jeff ordered a new rowing machine, which will arrivie in a few days. It promises to change our bodies as well as our living room. We can't wait.
  • We are trying out some new internet phones to see if that's a route we want to go when our cell phone contract is up in a few weeks. The phones are very cute and everything seems to work well. So, we may have a new phone number in the near future, as well as a change in our cell phone plan.
  • Ruth announced to me today: "I used to be a princess...but I've changed." Then she asked if we could take down the princess towers from her bed. So, we did, and then we rearranged her bedroom.
  • And, we have one more really big change, but I am not at liberty to share it until after the weekend, so you'll have to live in suspense for a few days.
We're off to Houston tomrrow, so I'll check in on Sunday night. Have a great weekend and embrace the changes around you.


  1. My SIL has the Vonage internet phones--they are ok. They cut out more than a little but not too often to drop the service. Plus, you can hardly beat the price.

    Danielle has decided she wants her nickname to be "Princess" . . . I still try to sneak in "Igga Schmu" Ruth is definitely her mother's daughter--rearranging furniture and loves shoes! ;-)

    And, lastly, . . . that's not fair!!! What a teaser!!!

    Have fun in H-town--we're going Sat and coming back Sun.

  2. TEASER? No fair.

    We use Vonage and it's pretty good. I have no complaints except that people who used to have Vonage but don't any more are impossible to call through Vonage. I really don't know why but it's really weird.

  3. Thanks for the feedback on the phone stuff. We are thinking of using Skype. We'll be testing it out for a week or so, so I'll let you know what we decide.


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