Summer 2017

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Here We Go Again

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since our last big road trip, and all the laundry is done and just sitting in the closet waiting to go somewhere else. So, we've planned another one. This time we're headed to Las Vegas to see Jeff's parents, who have accepted teaching positions there for this semester. We will leave a week from Friday, and we're very excited. We will make several stops along the way and see lots of sights, including the Petrified Forest, the Painted Desert and the Grand Canyon. Plus, we'll have alomost a week in Vegas to explore all the casinos and see all the sights. I haven't really seen much of this part of the country so I'm really looking forward to it. Maybe I'll take the laptop along so I can keep you posted as we go. I normally like a more tropical location after we have ice in Austin, but I think this trip will be lots of fun even so.


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Sounds like a fun trip .......
    Thanks fer the birthday wish ....

  2. Those are great locations. I've been to all of them when I was a wee one and enjoyed it.

    Have a good trip!


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