Summer 2017

Friday, October 04, 2013

To furnish or not to furnish? That is the question.

Our new bedroom furniture was supposed to be delivered the day after tomorrow. (Yes, Sunday. Weird, I know.) But the delivery company called today to say that they routinely open the crates to make sure nothing is damaged before they make the final stop. From a business standpoint, this seems like a good move, as it saves them from unnecessary travel and keeps them from having to have a personal interface with a disappointed or angry customer. Unfortunately, some of our pieces were damaged, so they won't be delivering them on Sunday after all. I was looking forward to having the new furniture, but the real bummer is that I have spent much precious time this week unloading the two night stands and dressers we already had in the room and moving them to new, much less convenient locations (like the attic). And, all of our clothes and micellaneous stuff is camping out in suitcases and bags in our closet. The original shipping estimate was 4-6 weeks, so I'm wondering if that's what I should expect for the replacement furniture. Is it worth it to press the old furniture back into service only to have to go through all of the unloading and moving again, or do we just pretend like we're on sort of a ghetto vacation and live out of haphazardly prepared suitcases, in a sparsely furished room, until the new furniture gets here?

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