Summer 2017

Thursday, October 03, 2013

The Case of the Mysterious Face Pain

Sorry for the lack of posts this week. I don't want to be a whiner, but one of the reasons they've been so sparse is because I have been drained of all creativity, and even mundanity, by this throbbing pain in my face that just won't quit. I cannot tell weather the pain is coming from my tooth, gums, upper lip, nose or sinus cavity, but the left side of my face feels pretty much like it's been 10 rounds on the losing side of a boxing match. And Jeff even noticed this morning that my cheek and lip seemed a little swollen. I have no other symptoms and can think of no event that would have led to this condition. Pain meds and ice don't seem to help much, so I'm off to the doctor this afternoon to see if this mystery can be solved.

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