Summer 2017

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Missing the pretty stuff

Besides this blog, I also have a photo blog, which I used to faithfully post pictures to, in an effort to capture some of the "pretty stuff all over the world." Over time, my posts on that blog have become more and more sparse, as my life has become more and more hectic. It seems like I rarely take the time to pull out my camera these days, and if I can give a more honest assessment, I tend to get so caught up in the day-to-day that I rarely take the time to even notice the pretty stuff in the first place. This week, though, Ruth had a Science research paper to write on wildflowers. Her paper was specifically about the Firewheel, or Indian Blanket flowers, and she wanted a picture of one to take with her to class as a visual aid for her presentation. I knew I had posted a picture of one on my photo blog, so I went there to look it up, since I thought that would be infinitely easier than searching through thousands of picture files saved on my computer. I felt such joy and peace as I scrolled through my pretty stuff, and I realized the pretty stuff has been missing in my life lately. It's not that the pretty stuff isn't there. But, I haven't been making an effort to see it, much less preserve it. That's not acceptable. I need the pretty stuff. I'm a better person when I stop to smell (and photograph) the roses. So, if you're looking to add some pretty stuff to your life, feel free to hop on over to my other blog and take a look around. Help keep me accountable to my resolution to try to be more consistent in noticing and documenting some of the pretty stuff.

Pretty Stuff sneak peak
(Indian Blanket)


  1. I really need some pretty. It's been rough around our house!

  2. Sorry you're having a rough time. Hope you can find some pretty stuff to cling to!


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