Summer 2017

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

  • Lunch at Gumbo's
  • Real estate papers signed, making the sale of our house in Austin official
  • Mega shopping trip to Sam's
  • Movie Night
  • War waged on fire ants, after they invaded Max's bed in the middle of the night and bit him repeatedly on the chest and back
  • Pedicure, haircut and a little shopping for Mandi
  • First Aggie game of the season, and first Aggie victory
  • Diet stuck to, even during multiple football games and the accompanying game day munchies
  • Ruth's friend spent the afternoon with us
  • Laundry washed
  • First Sunday potluck, also known as Weston's favorite church day of the month
  • Naps
  • Laundry folded and put away
  • Last-minute prep for the first day of CC on Tuesday
  • Potential landscaper here to take measurements
  • Pinterest piddling 
It's been a wonderful blend of productive and relaxing. Happy Labor Day, everyone!

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