Summer 2017

Saturday, August 10, 2013

"And, I'm gonna be forty...Someday!"

But not tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will be 36. But, give yourself a star if you can name the movie that memorable quote comes from.

It's weird, because I don't feel like I should be on the back end of my thirties. In fact, in lots of ways, I feel younger now than I did in my twenties. That, of course, is some kind of crazy mind trick, because when I look closely at the woman in the mirror, the truth shows itself more clearly. It surprises me every time. But, really, I can't complain. It's been a good three and a half decades, and I'm happy with who I am and with the hand Life has dealt me.

Jeff and the kids took me out to dinner at Iron Cactus tonight and bought me a little bowl of Heaven (also known as Mexican Vanilla ice cream) at Amy's afterwards. They also presented me with a beautiful diamond tennis bracelet. (We celebrated tonight, since we'll be watching the drag boat races at LakeFest tomorrow.) It's a wonderfully blessed life, which I am supremely thankful for!

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