Summer 2017

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Birthday Story

Jeff delivered Clay to Mimi's house early this morning, so the rest of us could hang at Chili's, watching the boat races. Our lakeside table was reserved for the whole morning and included a special breakfast buffet and a select lunch menu. The boats were loud and fast, and the races were pretty thrilling. There was one nasty crash, but, thankfully the driver seemed to be unharmed.

After lunch, Jeff took the kids so I could have some time to myself. I had hoped to get a pedicure, but the place I usually go was completely packed. Rather than wait around, I decided to spend the afternoon shopping. I found several cute things, many of which were on sale. It was a lovely afternoon.

I also received many phone calls, texts, emails and Facebook well-wishes throughout the day, which made me feel very special and much loved! The only phone call I didn't enjoy too much was the one from Jeff in which he informed me that he was taking Clay to the ER, following the advice of the Poison Control people, who had been called when it was suspected that Clay had ingested some prescription medication, while snooping around where he didn't belong. They stayed at the ER for a couple of hours, with Clay under observation, and the medical staff finally determined that Clay had probably not swallowed the meds, or at least didn't get enough to hurt him. He's completely fine. The little stinker! I could just thump him.

On my way home this evening, God saw fit to give me a beautiful sunset and a brilliant rainbow. And then, Jeff and I watched "Whose Line is it Anyway," and I laughed until I cried. It was a truly wonderful day! Thank you for celebrating with me.

LakeFest dates

Rev it up

Picking a favorite

Who is a mess?

Birthday sunset

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