Summer 2017

Friday, June 21, 2013

When the Watts go to town

We had to go in to Marble Falls today for a follow-up appointment with the pediatrician regarding Max's ear infection that just won't end. Clay (in his new big boy undies) came with us, because he is a major deterrent for getting anything productive done, which was an activity Jeff needed to engage in this morning. While waiting for the doc to call us back, I noticed a funky smell coming from the direction of the toddler. Obviously, since I had just bragged on him in the post yesterday, he had to prove me wrong. So, I gathered him up and headed to the van for wipes, pull-ups and new clothes. (This incident comes on the heels of yesterday's outing to the pool, when Max was blindsided with a bout of unstoppable diarrhea that coated his swimsuit, but thankfully in the confines of the bathroom instead of out in the pool). Back in the doctor's office, we found out Max still has a pretty yucky infection, so another round (but a different version) of antibiotics was ordered.

While waiting on the prescription, we visited a few shoe stores, in the hopes of finding me a pair of decent summery black dress shoes to wear to two funerals tomorrow. I didn't find anything I liked in the first couple of stores. And, then it was time to pick up the prescription at HEB. We paid for it and were headed out the door on our way to one final shoe store, when the now-diapered two-year-old declared his need to go potty. Because, of course. As I bent to help him take care of his business, the strap on my flip-flop snapped, and I fell off the small heel and twisted my ankle. So, we made our harried way over to the cheap plastic, oddly bejeweled selection of summer sandals in the "Seasonal Department" of the store, where we ran in to someone we knew. Because, of course. And, then, with a brief stop at the trash can to ditch the old shoes and tags from the new ones, we were on our way. (And, in case you're wondering, I did find a decent pair of black shoes at the last store we visited).

To get to our house from Marble Falls, we must pass over the bridge that spans the lake. There is really no other way to get here. I don't know if there was an accident or what, but traffic seemed to shut down just as we pulled on to the bridge. We sat there for a full fifteen minutes, which seemed much longer due to the repeated requests for food from the back seat from children who had been pushed well past their normal lunch time. And, sitting there, it suddenly dawned on me that one of the things I was supposed to do in town was to go to the bank. But, I had plenty of time to reconcile myself to the fact that it just wasn't going to happen today.

What can I say? We are a fun time waiting to happen. Come to think of it, there may be a reason we have arranged our lives so that we are home most of the time.

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