Summer 2017

Thursday, June 20, 2013

So, this is happening

A little over eleven years ago, we diapered the first tiny Watts' bottom. Except for a few brief stints of having someone potty trained before someone else came along, we've been a continuous diapering machine for all those years. (Oh, what I wouldn't have given for a diapering machine!) But, as you can see, those days are almost over! (Can I get an "Amen?!") Clay has been sporting the smallest-size-availabe-but-still-fairly-huge-for-his-tiny-bum big boy undies this week during waking hours, and even out in public, and has not had any accidents. I feel as if I am about to be released from so many years of indentured servitude. I'm thinking there will be a party. 

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