Summer 2017

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Happiest Place On Earth

Before I get down to business here, did you notice the new blog title and the new tabs at the top? I was really tired of the extremely boring blog title I picked many moons ago, when I started this blog and didn't know a thing about what I was doing. I've been wanting to change it forever but just never got around to it until today. This one seems to more accurately reflect what's going on here, plus it is taken, in part, from a great quote of Deepak Chopra: "All great changes are preceded by chaos." Don't worry, the URL isn't changing, just the title. I'll still be here, where I've always been, reporting on the Watts Life. 

And now, for the insanity you came here for, and I'm not just using that word loosely. It seems that Jeff and I have officially lost the very last shreds of our minds by booking a family vacation to Disney World at the end of May. Neither of us have ever been much for amusement parks (or lines or crowds or wrangling kids through all that), and we have always vowed that Disney was one we didn't want to touch with a ten-foot pole. But, as we started talking to the kids about what family vacation they would like to take this summer, we got a unanimous vote (from those who can clearly express their thoughts in English) for Disney World. A unanimous vote! In our house, that is some kind of miracle. We have all manner of built-in coping strategies for who gets to pick what, and when (like whoever uses the broken headphones in the van gets to pick the movie), because these people cannot agree on anything most of the time. They all want to watch a different movie, go to a different restaurant, get different cereals at the grocery store, etc, etc. But, it was a unanimous vote for Disney World, so what could we do?! We were powerless to refuse them and thereby wreck the miracle. So, come May, you can find us at the Happiest Place on Earth, and after that, you might want to try the Loony Bin.


  1. Ooooh, I wanna hear how this goes! I think we'll have to go when Abby's a bit older. Just once. We won't be an annual family, but I hear really great stuff!

  2. I've heard it's great, too. I'll keep you posted.

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I am up for going and helping out if needed--as an experienced attender of Disney World parks!

  4. Please identify yourself helpful anonymous commenter. We may need your services!


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