Summer 2017

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I want some bugs, bugs, bugs in my chimichanga...but not in my pie

A couple of years ago, we saw Lucas Miller in concert, and my kids literally wore his CD out. He is, by far, our favorite singing zoologist, so when we heard that he was going to be putting on a performance at our local library today, we couldn't wait! He sings about nature and animals and is VERY entertaining...for kids and parents alike! You can check out his "chimichanga" song (from which the title of this post comes) here. If you like it, you can find several other of his songs on YouTube, as well.

Waiting for the show to begin

Doing a little pig jig
 And, in case you didn't know, today was also Pi Day! This is probably one of our family's favorite holidays, because, I mean, it's pretty much all about pie! (And, Math. But, mostly pie!) This year, Jeff's parents hosted a Pi Day party, and my mother-in-law made Shepherd's Pie for dinner and four different sweet varieties for dessert! Days just don't get much better than this!

Shepherd's Pie and weird backlighting

Now that's something to celebrate!

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